Calcium Silicate

WoodWin International Co., Ltd., specialising in the design of transition plates, thimbles, and down spouts for Hot Top and AirSlip casting moulds. The range was developed by veterans of the aluminium industry using graphite machining expertise.

Calcium Silicate 60 is a carbonfiber reinforced calcium silicate, containing ca. 2% carbon fibers in a length of maximal 12 mm. The material is suitable up to temperatures of 1000 °C, is not wettable by liquid aluminium and well insulating.

Calcium Silicate 60 is characterized by a high work of fracture. This property is based on the lack of a form fit and a force lock of the carbon fibers with the calcium silicate matrix. As a result, cracks lose their fracture energy and do not lead to complete fracture. This is demonstrated by a significant fiber-pull-out in the fractured areas. The physically brittle ceramic material be­haves quasi pseudoplastic when it fails.

Due to the nonproblematic fracture behavior of Calcium Silicate 60 it is an ideal material for applications where high tensile and torsion forces are pres­ent. Cracks do not lead to complete failure of the component.


  • Hot top rings
  • Transition plates
  • Header plates
  • Spouts
  • Casting boxes
  • Many parts



  • High density and hardness
  • Long life
  • Excellent good thermal shock resistance
  • Non-wetting performance
  • Resistant to attack by molten aluminium alloys
  • Low maintenance cost


  1. Select appropriate Hot Top and AirSlip casting moulds, install transition plate above graphite ring and keep it clean and intact.
  2. Preheat it with 260℃- 350℃ for 30 minutes after installing it to the casting table.

We work closely with our customers to determine the optimum design and materials for your requirements. Every aspect is supported by our technical, manufacturing and sales specialists.